@the-MOUSE said in how much cardio/exercise to do?:
@the-MOUSE https://looksmax.org/threads/what-is-the-best-form-of-cardio-that-wont-decrease-testosterone-but-will-debloat.797369/
3 sets of 10 sec full intensity sprint? or even this increase cortisol
Sprints are great, but can be pretty taxing/stressful in the body when you're starting. I would start with very short sprints (4-5 seconds) and just one or two repetitions for the first time. You shouldn't have a big stress reaction with that. Wait a few days, see how you body handles it, and add one repetition next time.
I think sprints are one of the best exercises you can do, if you don't kill yourself. Explosive, but short duration.
Jump rope is also good. You can use nose breathing as a guidance. Breath through the nose until there is some air hunger, but not until you're half dead. I noticed that I improved rather quickly when I did this.
For longer exercise, long walks/hiking or bike rides, where you can also use nose breathing as an indicator. In my opinion, long-distance running is one of the worst sports you can do for your health.