More CO2 = Bigger
Hypothetically, one could speculate that during periods of higher atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in Earth's history, there might have been a correlation with larger animal sizes.
We can see this in the dinaric alps, where they have higher elevation which means more co2, which leads to increased size.
What are your thoughts about this hypothetical theory.
You may counter this by saying that netherlands has low elevation, their diet has alot of dairy, plus natural selection, the women choose larger men as their partner. Which multiple generations leads to a big size.
@peater makes sense... More energy to grow = bigger..
@peater IDK ABOUT THE BALKANS; BUT IN THE ALPS people drink lots of milk and eat cheese. Many undiscovered cheeses in the italian alps, so that can be a counfounding factor, maybe co2 isn't as influential...
Samoans and Tongans are largest males on earth, they live on sea level. Same is true for African males
Estrogen and GH can make your epiphyseal plates swell up and grow quickly during puberty. Maybe this coincides with the big Bosnian snozzers since most of the nose is cartilage too. Or maybe the big beaks should be viewed from a teleogenic perspective where the Balkan applepickers take the biggest sniff from the pesticides to induce a high
@lutte you don't want to get alot of estrogen tho, so you mean more estrogen = bigger
@meoyawn high carb and low fat produce more big humans.
@peater Isnt co like what you breathe out? I never got this part of peating, how can that be healthy? Its the big thing driving the global warming climate change problem too. Maybe someone can explain?
@alf climate change isn't happening, humans are not doing it, but it would be good if it happened
@peater quite the opposite. High co2 makes you resemble an embryo. The body ultimately doesn't care whether atmospheric CO2 is high or not but what it physically responds to is atmospheric pressure and it used to be very high due to the earth smaller size in the past. You'll be your largest and longest at sea level.