Voluntary ANS activation
Do you believe you can consciously activate your ANS?
I’ve read The Secret and I believe that I can
@rosenstein My Jewish friend, what do you mean by ANS?
Autonomic nervous system?
@BigusDickus Yes the ANS
@rosenstein then yes, you can indeed activate the autonomic nervous system, but I don't see how it's related to the Law of Attraction.
In fact, the Law of Attraction is a misnomer taken from the theosophical book, The Kybalion, that syncretically combinee Daoist and Hermetic cosmology.
If you want an alternative, read the work of Osman-Spare, as well as Peter Carroll; the use of sigils to invert the direction of cause and effect in the dimension of the conscious-unconscious is a well-known magical technique, and for most people, it can be successful enough to prove the famous adage, "as above so below"
Good luck and be careful what you wish for.
@BigusDickus I think yet to be discovered mind-body connection is falsely framed as "manifestation" or the law of attraction or whatever. Not some woo-woo thing, but physical, down on the molecular level. Lots of evidence supporting thinking of yourself as healthy makes your body operate in way that is more healthy than if you consider yourself unhealthy. Pain pathways not activating because some doctor tricked you into thinking you had knee surgery when you didnt. Basically stimulating your ANS with sheer willpower