i fucking HATE my midwit rabbit for outpeating me (VIDEO PROOF)
for the past week I've been forced out of my cozy red light room by my mom and forced to setup in my garage with these shitty plastic industrial blue lights
on top of that ive been unable to eat my usually daily peatslop meals out of fear that my extended family would label me as a outcast, one of them already walked into the restroom while i was applying androsterone onto my nipples and i think they falsely informed my mother that im gay. fast forward to 3AM and I'm trying to sleep on my living room floor after a long sedentary day of consuming PUFAs indoors with my family and I'm met with a disgusting sound from my rabbits cage after a investigation i noticed someone gave him one of my raw carrots and he was gnawing through it, VIDEO PROOF truly a heartbreaking moment to see a creature you cared for all its life outwork you I need to reevaluate my life.
apologizes for the fucked up text please read left to right
I wouldn't allow this to happen to me. That's all I'm going to say.
@Mengele do you have any advice?
Bunnies are effortlessly peaty, don’t be ashamed. All they do is hop (concentric exercise) eat carrot, and live in burrow (high CO2).
Try putting a sticky orange plastic film over the lights, that will filter out most of the blue light.
@brad thank you this makes me feel a lot better
@raccoonmilk happy to help
Have you tried eating carrots whole in front of him as an intimidation tactic? Could slightly raise his cortisol making his Peating abilities less efficient