Carrot Cereal
Has anyone tried making like corn flakes, but with carrots? I like corn flakes, but I know they are not peaty. Would be interested in carrot flakes for breakfast (carrots + milk + sugar, peaty
I don't know how one would produce such a thing, maybe you help me?
bumping this
Hi. I didn't want to leave this thread unanswered since I too am fascinated with needlessly shoving Peat-related items into regular foods.
After doing some intense google searching and Twitter word searching (most intellectually diligent Peater btw), you need industrial equipment like a steam extruder to process the carrots into the desired texture. You could also go with dehydrated carrots, but they might get soggy after soaking in the milk. Would need to test.
I suppose if you ground the carrots fine enough you could make a cheap paste with which to dry/cook, but that would take an inordinate amount of your free time.
Still, I had recently been experimenting with carrot-based confectionaries and found that they're very versatile and can really go with anything. Since carrots are crunchy as they are I figured I could just grate them into chips with a cheese grater and add milk/honey/coconut oil, similar to the salad but now it's a soup. (Cereal is not a soup btw because the word specifically refers to grain.)
Picrel, it tasted sweet and chewy, but it wasn't very exciting... in other words, it's about as good as regular cereal.
Also it needs to be warmed/made with room temperature milk or else the coconut oil will congeal.
Lastly, before any good recipes are made the score needs to be settled on whether or not heating carrots in any way is a good idea, since the released carotene will be adverse to hypothyroid individuals. Some others speculate heating reduces its efficaciousness, but I haven't heard any reasons why.