Helpful information for Acne
The information here has helped some with their skin issues, hope it's helpful!
Adult and Teen Acne
What's causing it, and what you can do about it -
With acne, it's crucial to realise what triggers it for you and what doesn't. For many, it's the indirect cause of malfunctioning thyroid function and hence can be either treated long-term by stabilising yours or simply removing and adjusting parts of your diet.
I used to have minor skin/gut problems with certain types of diary - mostly pasteurized. Wasted a lot of money and time trying to find a different trigger or cause just to justify continuing to drink milk.
Found that raw milk / kefir / cheese from raw milk do not upset my gut at all and it's mostly just some highly pasteurized milk products that I do not tolerate well.I think a large part here is played by the hormones released when digesting pasteurized milk but I am not well versed on that - maybe someone can contribute here?
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