Religion and bioenergetics..
I personally feel like there's huge overlap here and it will be worth to have a discussion on how things we do to the body affect the soul and vice versa.. In this case bioenergetics obviously strengthens the body but I am curious of the effects on the soul...
Mind is the perception tool of the soul, or the filter, or something like that. There is an innate connection between Gods creation and our minds, it is the most powerful biological function that He ever made.
Leibniz’s religious thought I think naturally leads to bioenergetics. His principle of “best of all possible worlds” demands an ever-perfecting state of the world which would line up with an ever-increasing potential of action developed from an ever-improved bioenergetics.
I remember reading about #ToxicBileTheory in the old testament
@StrongestPeater Peat himself apparently subscribed to Process Theology, a quite heterodox interpretation in most religions. While closely connected to myths and metaphysics, I've yet to see someone breakthrough with something that is both in line with a major religion and encapsulates Peat's work completely. Maybe Landshark will be the first.
@KettleBelCanto Oh, damn I like this formulation a lot...
My perspective on the matter is that bioenergetics isn't about generating energy but allowing the infinite energy from source flow through you easier, making you more conductive. When this happens and your metabolism is humming you will then be able to uncouple and generate heat in the form of infrared light, this is perhaps the aura that holy people are known for. Since you are better connected to source you are naturally going to be more selfless/loving than if you weren't, essentially you will effortlessly embody what religion tries to teach as morals. Should that connection to source faulter and you struggle to conduct energy you are going to become agitated, violent, and deviate from "morality" since you are dying and desperately need to reconnect. This is essentially what most people are today, the high serotonin/estrogen/cortisol/adrenaline personality.
@StrongestPeater The soul isnt real. This is all just a chemical reaction.