Ray Peat - Miguel Serrano synthesis
How would you go about synthesizing the works of Ray Peat and Miguel Serrano?
@aryanrapist1488 are you sure that's not a quote from Ray Peat?
Serrano would view Peating as a form of self-perfection by which you can travel past this world of the yellow sun (the breath of Brahma), through the gateway of the black sun (Nigredo), and to the realm of the green ray (land of the eternal spring of Hyperborea- where Apollo was said to visit every year).Lots of connections between Apollo (apol, that is, a-pole, as in, “without-axis mundi”) and William Blake
In Blake’s Milton, Milton literally unifies with the cunny queen herself, Ololon. This is obviously the magic of amor (a-mor, that is, without death… amor backwards is also “roma”- implying the opposite of amor is the evil doctrine of the jesuits). Ololon is basically Milton’s Jungian Anima and you too can merge with your personal “Ololon” (AKA Shakti-Lilith-Allouine) by sleeping next to her for three nights without touching her and with a sword between your bodies. Finally, you will be able to fuck the cunny but instead of cumming inside her to produce a physical child, you must cum inside yourself (edge) in order to impregnate your own masculine, active principle
Once you have achieved the Lapis (see: Evola’s The Hermetic Tradition) in this way, the connection between The Opus and bioenergetics, learned helplessness, holism, authority, etc will be obvious. You will also be able to talk to ants.
@aryanrapist1488 Of course! And thank you, Hitler be with you
@Nietzsche great synthesis but I have a few things to add.
One important aspect of the true synthesis of Peating with Miguel Serrano is recognizing the biological function of caste as it pertains to thyroid function, in particular the distinction of the white (ब्राह्मण) against the golem automaton races endemic to this enslaved emanation of the eternal return. Serrano and Peat would find common ground in PUFA depletion as a method of reconquering the sangreal lost in the original miscegenation of the Hyperboreans, and also of course the increase of bodily temperature (heat, प्राण, vril).
Outside of dietary concerns, they would also find common ground in the capability of sound in producing physical changes in materiality, namely the intersection of the sacred mantra used to achieve the phantasmal ufo of transmutation (diamond vehicle of vajrayana) and its corollary in Peats discussion of the effect of sound on bodily function.
To be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if Peat was a reader of Serrano himself. I’m still leaving much out, like divya aristogenesis through hormonal correction, but this is a basic idea in addition to what you already brought up.
And you’ll be able to talk to flowers too, Bach helps with this
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