High Fluid intake is underrated for Bowel and Kidney Efficency
Even when I'm not thirsty, as in intense craving for fluids, and I drink a liter or two of water, everything starts working better. Appetite increases dramatically, intestines begin to move, brain clears up. Considering the interplay between the kidneys and the colon, it wouldn,t be suprising that as the frequency of your urination decreases that the frequency of your inttestines will also decrease.
Maybe this will help someone who's unecessarily restricting liquid and struggling with intenstinal motility and/or poor appetite.
However, I see how mainstream water recommandations can go wrong for people, like a 130 pound women drinking 3-4 liters a day in some instances, while restricting sodium can have really bad consequences.
@dan-dominic i will try it, me bowel is really really bad
@basednigga2006 dont overdo it, but maybe a few extra cups and see how you do.