Bioenergetic Erowid: LSD, Lisuride, 10-Methoxy-Harmalan, 2CB, Modafinil and other pharmacological detritus Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Sidney Gottlieb
Please use this thread to post any and everything related to your use or research into "psychoactive" """drugs""". Take this as broadly or as narrowly as you would like. Personally interested in reports of tests of Bulgarian research chemicals on your respective rat collections and on more general discussions relating the American Terror State's weaponization of LSD and other drugs in its decades long war on the minds of it's citizens through operations such as MK-ULTRA and The Grateful Dead.
"Any of the essential nutrients, if used in isolation, can be used as a drug, for a specific effect on the organism that it wouldn’t normally have when eaten as a component of ordinary food. And natural foods contain thousands of chemicals, other than the essential nutrients. Many of these are called nonessential nutrients, but their importance is being recognized increasingly. The truth is that we aren’t sure what they “aren’t essential” for. Until we have more definite knowledge about the organism I don’t think we should categorize things so absolutely as drugs or nutrients."
-Ray Peat -
I like microdosing lucy and shrooms - and find they confer a bump to my openness and playfulness for many days after, and encourage others of sound mind to experiment similarly
Salvia divinorum breakthrough experiences are life altering. Nothing quite like the experience where you're convinced you died and scenes from your past appear.
Sometimes, the Ego is disabled and you calibrate to being a point of energy with no body and no sense of "I-ness". You just "are". Then you come back a little while later and realize how heavy life actually is, and how useless thought-fomented emotions are.
An amazing feeling from Salvia "pulling you in" to a deeper experience is part dread, part racing thoughts, and part exciting, with a physical sensation of a hand grabbing you by the brain (note not scalp feeling, but inside the head) and pulling you backwards.
Of course, a breakthrough exp is not always how it goes. I think it depends on potency, quantity and current biochemical state. At the lowest level you see aspects of the world move and warp in somewhat logical ways, like the pattern of bathroom tiles looking like trails of ants or something like that. Things people say to you are mistranslated into completely different things, for example a friend of mine had asked about going to another friend's house and I heard him ask to clean up after the dog with a broom, when he had no dog at all.
Sometimes you end up with extremely humourous alterations of reality. I did it with an olive skinned friend once in his sky blue painted bedroom and he morphed into an old native American with the feathered head dress rising up out of the ocean, looking disapprovingly at me. One of the hardest times I've laughed lol.
My2c at least, the experience is different for different people. Ego-heavy people I've taken through these trips often feel pretty traumatized for a while. I can share a lot more about this plant for anyone interested. -
@OliverCloasov do you chew or smoke? ive heard smoking is not how its intended to be consumed, i smoked it and didnt have a good time for the first 2 minutes (actually horrific) but the rest of the 20 minutes went very well
@thyroidchor27 I've tried chewed, vaporized and smoked, though the formermost Ive only done from mailed leaves and not fresh off the plant.
Chewing didn't give too much effectby comparison save for a very slight disconnect-ish feeling combined with a bit of euphoria and some intensification of colors and lines. I imagine the fresh plant would be a bit stronger an effect than that. Then again, this slight effect is likely useful for more superficial meditative states.The smoke I've found it very useful for putting the Ego in its place with a well placed, and unavoidable, slap in its face. Life makes you heavier with Ego's programs, suppositions and expectations, and the smoke helps you understand how useless and spiritually heavy that all is when it controls you. Salvia can gradually teach you to rein Ego under your control, so you eventually don't need to slap it with outside help. I've only done strong amounts a handful of times over the past years
@OliverCloasov whats ur opinion on lsd, 4 aco dmt , and mescaline if you have any? and especially the difference bw the former two?
@thyroidchor27 I couldn't say, I haven't tried any of those unfortunately.
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