interview with R. Peat about Pregnenolone?dosing
Hi Guys, I read the Three Youth Associated Hormones article, and I'm wondering if someone know of any other Peat material/interviews on Pregnenolone specifically, and what dosing he is recommending of powdered Preg.
- According to the context provided, a normal maintenance dose of pregnenolone is about 30 mg per day. It can also be taken spaced out, such as 200 mg per 7 days or 300 mg per 10 days. The context suggests that this dosage is effective for maintaining normal levels without side effects. However, it is important to note that individual needs may vary, and it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
From the Ray Peat email exchanges at
[Does pregnenolone have to be micronized for it to dissolve in vitamin e?] It doesn't dissolve very well either way, it just takes some stirring and a little warmth. Vitamin E breaks down quickly when it's hot, so stirring at room temperature is best; not much dissolves. It's much more economical to use it orally, as powder.
Ordinarily, you can make enough from converting sugar to cholesterol, with thyroid and vitamin A converting cholesterol to the other hormones. But when you have been poisoned with not enough of the needed foods, or too much of the unsaturated oils, heavy metals, causing free radical reactions and so on, then it helps to use all of the supports possible, thyroid supplements, pregnenolone supplements, possibly dhea and progesterone, saturated fats, sugar, everything that works in the same direction.
Pregnenolone is a lipid, only pharmaceutical salesmen talk about the need for a lipid matrix. Most people don't have allergic reactions to the rice and magnesium stearate.
[Can women take pregnenolone oil just like Progest-E and get the same benefits in regards to PMS, cramps etc?] Pregnenolone doesn't have the direct hormonal effects, but it's the precursor, and by stopping exaggerated stress reactions it is likely to help.
[BAD RESPONSE TO PREG] I think that would be from impurities in the pregnenolone. In animal studies, a dose equivalent to about a pound in a person, caused no change, unless the animal was stressed, and in that case it stopped the stress.
[PREGNENOLONE 'STEAL' THEORY] Regarding the pregnenolone steal theory, It would be interesting to know who started that, it's a mechanical way of thinking about physiology that ignores the things that really matter. Thyroid hormone, vitamin A, and cholesterol support the formation of pregnenolone, and the well nourished body is able to make large adjustments in these, to minimize the need for cortisol. In health, enough pregnenolone and progesterone are produced to inhibit the stress systems, for example by inhibiting the release of ACTH. When something prevents the formation of pregnenolone and progesterone, rising ACTH will increase its production as conditions permit, but if something, such as thyroid hormone, is lacking, the ACTH will increase cortisol, often with DHEA and the androgens increasing too, if resources permit; sometimes the stressed system is able to sustain only cortisol and aldosterone production, and that leads to degenerative problems.
Someone recently tested pregnenolone for Beyond a Century, and said it looks pure. Sometimes at first a few hundred milligrams are needed to lower cortisol.
When using pregnenolone, men and women alike report feeling a profound mood of resilience and an increased ability to confront challenges successfully.
Excipients or impurities in capsules can cause symptoms, by irritating the intestine. In animal studies (and in myself), extremely large doses didn't have any more effects than minimal doses. It's possible to eliminate some of the impurities by mixing it with warm vitamin E, and after stirring it, allowing it to settle, and using only what dissolved in the vitamin E.
[Then I asked if there's no way it can convert to excess estrogen or some other stress related hormone, under certain circumstances, like not getting enough protein or sugar, or some other nutrient, or adequate light. Also asked if someone is running on stress hormones from low thyroid and pregnenolone lowers those hormones, would it make things worse by lowering the metabolism even further.] I haven't heard of a situation like that; I'll see if I can find any information relating to that possibility.
[Pregenenolone side effects: sadness, irritability, major hair loss, insomnia, weight gain] Excipients or impurities in capsules can cause symptoms, by irritating the intestine. In animal studies (and in myself), extremely large doses didn't have any more effects than minimal doses. It's possible to eliminate some of the impurities by mixing it with warm vitamin E, and after stirring it, allowing it to settle, and using only what dissolved in the vitamin E.
[Anti-androgen in higher doses? See post.] When I was buying pregnenolone from the Syntex factory in Mexico, 1984-5, to test its safety I ate a kilogram of it during a year, 3000 to 4000 milligrams per day. I didnβt detect any side effects at all, except that my skin, that had been sagging over my eyes and on my neck, firmed up. I know a man in his sixties who is taking a teaspoonful every day, without any bad effects.
[Is there anything different about taking pregnenolone for someone with a personality disorder, such as psychopathy or borderline personality disorder?] No.
In this interview, Dr. Peat talks about pregnenolone beginning at about the 35 minute mark. -
@DavidPS wow, thank you so much for the info. That PeatBot is amazing.