When did you realize SolBrah was a grifting loser who makes stuff up to sell expensive shirts?
@Sugar that's ridiculous. They paid 3500$ to go. Look at that indian framecel lol. This is getting ridiculous.
@Love_The_Blacks Probably his instagram followers, bored middle class "dissident" young people with expendable income. I'm sure the people who paid to go had to split a certain amount of food amongst each other and all sleep on floor mats. Activities included shirtless wrestling and crawling in the wilderness. I hope they feel ripped off lol. I bet solbrah and his scammer friends felt really happy that idiots were willing to pay bank for something marginally worse than a boy scouts trip.
@Sugar said in When did you realize SolBrah was a grifting loser who makes stuff up to sell expensive shirts?:
@Love_The_Blacks Probably his instagram followers, bored middle class "dissident" young people with expendable income. I'm sure the people who paid to go had to split a certain amount of food amongst each other and all sleep on floor mats. Activities included shirtless wrestling and crawling in the wilderness. I hope they feel ripped off lol. I bet solbrah and his scammer friends felt really happy that idiots were willing to pay bank for something marginally worse than a boy scouts trip.
He's getting flamed for allowing those 2 indians hahahaha
@Love_The_Blacks acts like a white nationalist on twitter but hangs around whoever pays him money lol
What possible novel insights could he have to write a book about and people want to buy?
@sphenoid I'm waiting for it to go on pdf so I can dissect it.
SolBrah dropped his SolSoap and it was $18 for a single bar, $15 a bar for 3 pack, 6 pack for $13 a bar, 10 bars for $11.
A comparable version Etsy is $7.50 a bar and I haven't even deep dived for a cheaper bar that I'm certain I'd find.
Found one bar from a brand called Papoutsanis that is imported from Greece and goes for $2.45 a bar, some websites showing $1 a bar! Only non peaty ingredient is citric acid but I would not worry too much about it in a soap.
@Sugar I feel like a lot of the solbrah type people are mentalcels with good jobs. Anyone getting snatch on the reg isn't worried about soap.
He's using ZOG, he's getting better
He looks sunburnt as hell in this video
https://twitter.com/SolBrah/status/1744786873422098496 -
@Sugar I love sunlight and soak up as much as I can but as an actual white person there is a limit when it comes to UV. He has definitely fallen victim to his own advertising image in that regard. Personally I don’t think he’ll age gracefully as he already seems too stressed.
@sphenoid Masculinity bodybuilding cels on suicide watch. He'd be better off not excessively tanning and working out and just healing from his problems.
Upon sight.
Cookbook cemented. -
Owned. Lets revive this thread. He does not get enough hate.
@Kilgore I actually agree with SolBrah on this one mostly. Almost all medications people are on is a result of treating symptoms of bad diet, every medicationcel has their special reason why they need to take their pharmaceutical (if not 3 or 4), as if it's normal for everyone to need to be on some sort of pharmaceutical medication to live. They are pretty much only needed for emergency purposes just as a doctor/the emergency room is and you can avoid a health crisis by taking care of your body and being in tune with it, not being numb to whatever problems come to you. Of course people of all ages are having problems with their health today because of how dysfunctional and toxic everything is today, but people have basically normalized liver disease, cancer, heart attacks, you name it, especially past a certain age. It's basically presented as you're a victim that had something completely random happen to your body out of no where, which just logically does not make sense.
@Sugar That wasnt really the point of the convo in my opinion. Everybody knows that already. Most illnesses are due to lifestyle.
Its funny how some people have no problem with looking stupid on the internet lol.
tfw you realize lifting weights and eating edgy raw meat won't save the white race
I do not trust men who wear so much JEWelery.
sol-bra hairmogs this entire forum have some respect