Gray Hairs Reversing
Noticed this morning after my shower that one of the hairs that came out off my scalp was gray at the end, but brown at the base. My hair is mostly brown to begin with, speckled with gray hairs here and there, but it was nice to see that the gray hairs I do have are capable of turning brown again. The hair itself was about 5 inches long, and it was about half and half in terms of gray and brown, so whatever I’ve been doing for the past 5-6 months seems to be beneficial in terms of stress reduction (Peaty diet lowish in fat, incandescent light over my workspace, still doing some light running 1-2x week). I did do a trial of NDT a couple months ago for about 1 month, but it ended up making me feel worse so I stopped, and it appears that the hair strand started to gain color before this trial. My energy overall is still low a lot of the time and I’m not where I’d like to be in terms of productivity and mood, but I know that restoring the metabolism isn’t an overnight process. I’m just happy to know things are moving in the right direction.
I wanted to post this as it’s easy to get caught up in health concerns/problems that are most often shared, versus success stories and reports of positive momentum. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, just have to stay consistent and adjust as you go. WAGMI
@peatyRD i think they can also reverse from any end of the strand , not just new growth.
Wow really? Do you know how that might work? If possible, that’s fascinating. My assumption was that regaining normal color could only occur where new keratinocytes are being formed, which is at the base/within the hair follicle - I can’t see how color could begin on the opposite end given there’s no circulation, but I suppose anything is possible if there were some sort of intercellular communication between the keratinocytes from the base to the tip. The keratinocytes of hair outside of the follicle are also typically considered “dead”, so that would go against re-pigmentation that starts at the tip of the hair.
@peatyRD idk about grown hair being "dead"
there's case reports of people's hair turning grey/white after trauma and reversing after, not just new growth where the "dead" ends stay white. like literally their whole hair color changes.