[List] Supply of Food, Milk, Pharma etc. in Germany and EU
since people sometimes ask where they can get this or that food, I thought I'd put together a list of my own experiences and those of others. I will keep updating the list. Most of it relates to Germany, but some of it can also be applied to other EU countries.
Raw Cow Milk
- Terms to look for Rohmilch, Vorzugsmilch
- Use google maps and search for Milchtankstelle
- Many Demeter farms also provide Raw Milk
Raw Camel Milk
- Powder and Frozen: DesertFarms
- Demeter farms will provide Raw Colostrum on specific dates
- High Quality Colostrum Powder from different animals: SwissBio
- Dino Colostrum Chewing Gums
Pasteurized Milk
- In my experience, over 90% butcheries don't even know what to do with it when you ask for organs. Most only offer liver, kidneys, heart, tongue. Forget about when you try to get raw blood, thymus, brain, thyroid etc. Turkish butchers usually have more choice, but worse quality.
- Same case for dedicated organic stores (like SUperBioMarkt)
- There are online butcheries where you can source organs, but mostly they use conventional livestock farmed animals: like UmDieWurst, Albert der Metzger, MeinMetzger
- Also look for sides providing pet food, they are very cheap, and here and there also have good quality, furthermore they are mostly also very transparent about their sources: Das Tierhotel
- otherwise call the farms directly, such as Demeter farms, to find out when slaughter dates are and order in advance
Coconut Water:
- Most suppliers pasteurize by heating up to 140°C for several seconds
- COA coconut water (high-pressure process, frozen to -18°C in production)
- Dr. Martins Coco Juice (use of microfilters to extend shelf life)
- Coffein free coca cola with real sugar: Italian Coke "Senza Caffeina"
.Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals / Supplements:
- All kind of Chemicals: Company S3
- Supplements (when quality standards not met by S3): Sunday
- T3/T4 combo, single T3 or single T4 tablets (dm me)
- other prescription-only drugs (dm me)
- Methylene Blue
- Peptides ...
.Reasearch Chemicals