@YellowCanary Yeah. Funnily I just started upping the milk intake on UHT (Berchtesgadener Land Bio, really good!) and gave Flowers of Sulphur a try (Schwefelblüte) and I am tolerating 6 cups a day extremely well now with no bloating, gas or irritation. Never thought to just try UHT all day for some reason. But keeping digestion good is probably more important. For what it's worth, I've been very shocked to see my Vitamin D level after summer in Germany before, around 30 or lower last year. I've heard it is lowered during stress and infection so that's worth considering. I've decided to just take 5000 IU all year round unless I was really outside all day now. Even then it's worth testing just to make sure. Always feel so much better getting back up to 50-60mg/ml. Good luck!