What else could it be causing a reaction to it?
histamine if you lack DAO (> 150 / 250 U / day, not every day).
liver if you can't manage xanthine. (tea, coffee, cola, chocolate, cranberry / purple grape juice).
More than 20-25 mg niacin.
Dandruff or scalp irritation? Try BLOO.
What else could it be causing a reaction to it?
histamine if you lack DAO (> 150 / 250 U / day, not every day).
liver if you can't manage xanthine. (tea, coffee, cola, chocolate, cranberry / purple grape juice).
More than 20-25 mg niacin.
@Kvirion said in Increasing caffeine tolerance/metabolism?:
"Very small doses of caffeine have a paradoxical sedative effect, but this is a familiar effect of anything which raises the brain's energy level." - Nutrition For Women, Ray Peat, PhD
Not for everyone whenever you feel anxious. Caffeine is anxiogenic and not appropriate when your diaphragm tells you you'd better change your mind and try to relax.
However, this is a transitory effect. And by the way, coffee, even with a lot sugar and milk, is not all black or white. I agree that caffeine is pro-metabolic but not in every situation, and only if you don't suffer from surrenals ...
I can give a link if interested.
@MuleMan said in 3 grains and still hypothyroid?:
I just need a lot more thyroid than usual and need to continue increasing my dose until I'm euthyroid;
I have an explanation but to "believe" it, I advise you to read Lynne Farrow and best Dr Vincent Reliquet (The power of iodine, in French).
=> lack of iodine could be the the missing link, even if you get iodine from fish and seefood. The place on the receptors of your thyroid could be occupied by halogens (Br, Cl Fl). Mind detox if ... Need cofactors too.
I can develop further if you're receptive, and ready to take a 180° turnaround, by not listening to mainstream official advise (influenced by the lobbying pharma). Nothing to do with a conspiracy theory
Only logical arguments based on "scientific" facts. But not on a real double-blind study.
@pittybitty said in Hypothyroid->Digestion Issues->Allergies->Adrenaline->Insomnia:
What can I do to ensure that the adrenaline does as little damage as possible? Eat large amounts of sugar so that less protein needs to be cannibalized to raise the blood sugar? Protein to offset the loss? High B vitamins to ensure sugar metabolism works without a issue?
@Insr said in Iodine - too much!:
I read in this article that when the thyroid's exposed to an excessive amount of iodine and it damages the thyroid, there is a momentary release of thyroid hormones into the blood from the destroyed thyroid tissue.
=> Interpretation
Dr. Izabella Wentz says :
Iodine needs to be processed by the thyroid gland, and when the thyroid is inflamed, the processing of iodine will likely produce more inflammation. If you give an angry and overwhelmed organ more work to do, you’ll likely see it become even angrier!
A person may feel more energetic when first starting an iodine supplement, but lab tests will reveal that their “new energy” is coming from the destruction of thyroid tissue, which dumps thyroid hormone into the circulation. Reports will show an elevated TSH, elevated thyroid antibodies, and in some cases, low levels of active thyroid hormones.
This is why I don’t generally recommend iodine supplements to people with Hashimoto’s. I don’t believe that the short-term artificial boost in energy is worth destroying your thyroid gland!
My comment:
=> You don’t have to take iodine for boosting the energy level but because you don’t get the required nutrient (I2 and KI) when taking NDT or only T4. You need an appropriate level of iodine in other tissues than the thyroid.
Before taking iodine, we need selenium to limit the action (anti-inflammatory). And as iodine has a powerful action as anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory effects, residues from LPS will be discharged, as well other toxins from the gland and the blood.
You can’t manage without a tiny amount of iodine. But first we have to begin very slowly, particularly to acclimate / open the symporters NIS, a kind of pump to exchange Na/I.
For sure, some people will react badly, especially if you never or seldom eat fish or seafood.
Finally, let me recall that women need iodine in breast: 1/7 or 1/8 will caught a bad issue if they don’t.
@SpaceManJim said in Increasing caffeine tolerance/metabolism?:
Is cortisol/stress known to mess with liver function, metabolism of things like caffeine?
Excess cortisol suppresses thyroid action through impact on surrenals . First sign of Burnout...
Sorry, it was adressed to MooseZoomer. Wrong handle / manip.
You're suffering from low inflammation grade.
Taking a supplement T3 and T4 when you metabolize badly / insufficiently won't solve the problem on a long term.
If you've got too much estrogen (fatty belly) or high cortisol (stress), some endocrine disruptors, a lack of useful nutrients for your thyroid, you won't recover.
Not exhaustive.
@happyhanneke said in Please critique my lab results.:
Any comments or thoughts are appreciated.
Hi, when modifying the dose, do it progressivity, on a 10 - 15 days period. Cut the dose on every other day.
Taking levothyroxine won't solve the problem on long term if you can convert T4 to T3 and FT3. You need useful nutrient for deodinases to help the conversion. + iodine (I2 & potassium iodide) for other organs and tissues. I can develop if desired.
@chosroes said in Iodine - too much!:
Did the naturopath in the OP video provide sources for the low iodine study, anywhere? Couldn't see anything on his website.
I won't watch a video that says iodine above RDA is dangerous . Try to countre-act the mainstream "idea". See the link beneath.
Signs of iodine deficiency
Main signs of iodine deficiency leading to metabolic disorders in adults
Apart from usual symptoms as goiter enlargement, hypothyroidism, impairment of mental function, spontaneous hyperthyroidism in the elderly, Drs David Reliquet and David Minkoff mentions additional symptoms like reduced alertness & slow metabolism leading to fatigue, sluggishness, apathy, depression and insomnia; lack of optimal detoxification, particularly of bromides, fluorides and heavy metals; sensitivity to temperature changes, cold hands and feet; muscle pain, etc.
80. Optimum Health Report #334 – Dr. David Minkoff, Medical Director.
The Need for Iodine Supplementation - by Wojciech Rychlik, Ph.D.