I have been hypothyroid for about 22 years, the first 17 years I was so depressed that it just went by like a blur and I just assumed it was normal to have this little energy. Then the last 5 years I spend desperate trying to make a change, gradually overcame first social anxiety and then depression. But it wasn't until a few weeks ago I finally connected the dots and realized that I am legitimately hypothyroid.
I'm currently taking 120mg NDT/day and it has been very effective for the most part.
Unfortunately it seems the hypothyroidism also fucked up my digestion, if I eat the wrong thing I become cortisoid for roughly 6 hours, and thyroid doesn't fix it. This irritation also seems to cause allergies later, which then can cause an adrenaline cascade, which then causes insomnia.
Do I just need to wait for the thyroid to normalize the digestion? Is there any particular substance that helps get there faster? I've also been trying to find a method to end the adrenalinic metabolism so I can at least avoid the insomnia, but no such luck so far.