@sushi_is_cringe Oral administration of steroids massively reduces the half-life of steroids + their bioavailability + increases the metabolism of the steroid, so you will get less unmetabolized steroid per dose (which can be a good and bad thing - bad in this case).
Testosterone undecanoate when injected has a half-life of a month - when orally injested? The half-life is a few hours.
The bioavailability of these oral steroids is significantly reduced as well - and even when the bioavailability of oral testosterone undecanoate in combination with a fatty meal is made 120%, the half life is still a few hours!
The low bioavailability and rapid metabolism of oral hormones explain why a weekly dose of 3500 mg of testosterone undecanoate dissolved in vitamin E could be administered to patients for the treatment of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis without causing side effects or muscle growth. In contrast, administering this amount via injections would lead to accumulation, eventually resulting in 22 grams of testosterone undecanoate in the body at some point.
Due to testosterone's protective effect on the liver, a clinical study was done using daily administrations of 500mg (3500mg a week) of oral testosterone undecanoate dissolved in your favourite solvent - vitamin E. Testosterone undecanoate has a half life of a month when injected - if testsosterone undecanoate's half life orally was the same as it's intramuscular half life, the testosterone undecanoate would build up to the point where there would be 22 grams of testosterone undecanoate in your blood stream.
If you had 22 grams of testosterone undecanoate in your bloodstream you would suffer extreme side effects, and look like the hulk?
Well none of that happened, because testosterone undeconate and oral steroids in general, have awful bioavailability and half life as discussed before:
Daily administration of 500mg of oral testosterone undecanoate dissolved in vitamin E was able to grow muscle mass by..... 1.9% to 2.75%
And only 10% of these patients adminstered these crazy doses of test undecanoate had side effects
There was also a fall in triglycerides and total cholesterol on average.
TLDR: As shown by a pharmacokinetics study, oral administration of testosterone and testosterone undecanoate, can bring their half lifes to a matter of hours, and give them low bioavailability. This is why patients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis can take 500mg of testosterone undecanoate a day (dissolved in vitamin E) and gain no muscle and have no side effects - the latter is extremely surprising given how in bad health they are.