Don’t eat less but better. If you eat less than what you mentioned, you’re going to lose muscles.
There isn’t protein enough: in 3 or 4 takes (with a shake for the 4th).
We should try to optimize the level of carburation (impact / target towards thyroid)
Your breakfast is too weak in protein.
Jordan’s oat 50-60 g (Simply crunchy - Honey baked granola)
With Hazelnut milk 240 ml (or soja milk, if you don’t like hazelnut). No rice nor almond milk. No yoghurt if you want to optimize glycemia (insulin spike). Not now.
Pecan nuts 6 halves (or 8 macadamia nuts if you want to avoid 1.5 g PUFA. But taken apart because hard to bite).
Coconut shredded (very thin sliced) 4 big tbsp.
A protein: Gouda cheese 1 slice (45 g) (vit K2) or ham 50 g.
Note1: when eating PUFA, coconut oil is required (SFA). 1 tsp.
Note2: If you aren’t hungry for the breakfast, change your evening meal.
Note 3: for 220 lb / 110 kg, you need as protein:
At least 1.2g x 110 = 132 g protein (=> 4 x 30-35 g)
Recommended level: 1.8 – 2.2 g x 110 (=> 200 g – 240 g). Not realist without an enzyme supplement and a shake with protein powder.
Note 4: you’ll need a potassium supplement and progressively enough fibbers (30 -40 g)