@Mauritio Really interested in portable ultrasound devices for bone growth. I bet ultrasound + topical Kuinone could do wonders for a jawline.

Latest posts made by serotoninskeptic
RE: The pro-metabolic effects of ultrasound
RE: Cravings - cheese and fat intake
@CO3 I dont think healthy equals “not fat.” Higher body fat percentage is actually positively correlated with longevity. You definitely dont have to be sub 10% BF to be healthy. I was just pointing out my own experience and that dairy fat CAN make you fat. If you care about aesthetics at all this is a problem lol.
Otherwise, saturated fats are great because I can completely overeat them and just feel better. If I ever overate fast food, nuts, processed foods, I felt awful. I can eat like pounds of cheese or tubs of ice cream and just feel better than before (even though it'll make me fat). When I was eating 6000 calories of chocolate ice cream every day, I felt so fucking good. Very strong. +10 lbs on deadlift every session. Made me fat quickly though.
RE: Cravings - cheese and fat intake
@sushi_is_cringe You can still easily get fat from totally clean homemade ice cream, believe me ive done it myself
Also ive seen lots of new peaters get fat by eating too much dairy fat (butter, cream, cheese, milk, ice cream) on top of all the sugar theyre adding. I find it the easiest to stay lean on HCLF keeping fat <40-50g per day and usually putting it all into one meal.
RE: Tracking down the mysterious cause of Dr. Paul Saladino's shockingly rapid aging
@Insomniac Ray Peat on a meat based diet and premature aging:
RE: Ultrasound of Thyroid Gland
@sushi_is_cringe I just want to get bloodwork again soon but they wont put the script in for me unless I do this first. Could go to a third party lab myself but then gotta pay out of pocket.
Ultrasound of Thyroid Gland
Ray Peat has talked about ultrasounds being beneficial for bone growth and tissue repair, but would ultrasound exposure directly to the thyroid be safe? My doc ordered an ultrasound of my thyroid since I tanked my TSH to basically zero and got my T3 3x over the reference range and theyre concerned (i just overdosed cynomel lol) However I think a shrunken thyroid is desirable from a peat perspective so anything that could promote tissue growth ie. ultrasounds may be risky??
RE: Anabology Honey Diet & Protein Restriction
@samson Yeah sounds very similar to my experience.And as far as dental health goes starch and phosphate-rich proteins seem to be much worse for my teeth than sugar.
RE: Methionine/Cysteine restriction increases longetivity AND energy expenditure
@Mauritio You can do carbs at dinner too, I think the lower carbs at dinner thing is more for weight loss purposes and just to not overeat calories at dinner. If youre doing the diet mainly for health benefits and longevity purposes and dont care about weight loss than its not necessary.
RE: Anabology Honey Diet & Protein Restriction
@Norwegian-Mugabe It wouldnt work the same for FGF21 induction because protein takes like 12 hours before its fully utilized. After eating only sugar your blood glucose will go back to baseline very fast like within 2 hours.
RE: Anabology Honey Diet & Protein Restriction
@jamezb46 I think it can work for muscle building purposes if you train in the afternoon around dinner. Or including small amounts of gelatin, or milk, or BCAA as long as its low fat during the day like 10-20g i’ve seen some people including skim milk and still having good results. Even fruit can probably supply enough protein during the day if its really a concern. A gallon of OJ has 32g protein for example. Or just having a big caloric surplus dinner and meeting protein requirements then.