@sushi_is_cringe Thank you for the feedback! You are right that it would be good to have some quality assurance, and I plan to send the solution for analytical testing. Unfortunately the cost doesn't really allow that as of now, especially because I already have to send a new powder batch for testing, but as soon as it is possible I will post the results here.

Latest posts made by pannacottas
RE: Stanolabs DHT gel
RE: Experiments with transdermal hormones
@alfredoolivas Not hype. There's a reason DHT and its esters are the most gatekept steroids/androgens. It is as anabolic as tren mg per mg.
These few accounts that are promoting DHT esters just have a source/mutual that makes DHT E and DHT P. It's not hard to esterify DHT base if you have some organic chemistry knowledge.
DHT enanthate has been studied and is an approved treatment for gyno. Part of why these transformations seem extreme is because the recomposition effect of DHT is actually that impressive, it literally "deletes" fat from estrogenic regions.
RE: Stanolabs DHT gel
@alfredoolivas Thank you. Yes i found the max solubility in ethanol to be 70mg/ml and that's without any additives, and is not easy to dissolve. So concentrations higher than that are questionable to say the least.
RE: Bloodwork after stopping DHT
@PrinceTrebata Transdermally 50mg most of the time because it is 1ml of my solution / a full dropper.
I get effects from less than that but sub 5mg might be too little for topical. -
RE: Bloodwork after stopping DHT
@gg12 Not completely permanent. I mean that some of the effects i got, especially the mental ones, persisted even after stopping for like 1-2 months. Which could suggest that DHT antagonizes the stress hormones and positively affects neurosteroid balance powerfully enough that it helps the body have greater general tolerance to stressors and shift it to a healthier metabolic state, sort of like an actoprotector.
RE: Bloodwork after stopping DHT
@Crypt-Keeper I was planning to but i've been too busy lately. I will get it done this month probably as i found a cheap lab
RE: Dht, testosterone pre workout...
@BeamsOfEnergy I did both, i think oral was more immediate
RE: Bloodwork after stopping DHT
@Hollowed Yes i have some but from beginning of 2023 and i hadn't told my doctor any specific tests i wanted, so i did a generic hormone panel. The only relevant tests:
FSH: 6.27 mIU/mL
LH: 5.3 mIU/mL
Total T: 963.1 ng/dL
DHEA-S: 428.2 μg/dL