@wester130 better ability to behave honorably and with good outcome in mind. i.e. if someone is behaving annoyingly, it's way easier to think of how to help them to get a good outcome than mock or chastise them. I have a specific example: people buying and eating seed oil fried foods-- instead of chastising them and putting them down in an exasperated way I am thinking of how I can make the same foods fried in better oils for them. way easier and less offensive than berating them for eating the bad stuff. this is something I had thought of before but the idea is more present in my mind. so overall, less neuroticism, since getting tilted and complaining to them about their food choices would be a form of neuroticism.
when someone says something I disagree with, ill either state my opinion in a less conflictual way, or sometimes not say anything at all. and there is no nagging feeling like I have to correct them.
as far as studying or doing work goes, maybe some minor benefits in staying on task.
these effects are overall part of better health which I experienced anyways, dht seems like just one added tool to achieve that state. I think this effect is from any anabolic hormones to be honest as I know someone that says deca does the same thing for them.