How to get my dying skinny girlfriend into Peatism?
Long story short I dated this girl for a while and near the end of our relationship I was toxic and shamed her for gaining weight, we would argue all the time until we eventually broke up. After our break up, she developed an eating disorder due to my comments and rapidly lost a lot of weight.
We have recently gotten back together and she is in terrible health, low iron, low in multiple vitamins, gut issues etc, extreme shedding of her hair, low libido etc all while being 18 which should not be happening at her age.
She gets intense stomach pain if she eats a large meal and will throw up the food, all she eats is a protein bar in the morning followed by a snus pouch and then rice and chicken in the evening.
I want to get her into Peatism but I'm not sure how to start, if I suddenly introduce her to it she will balloon in weight which I am trying to avoid. Should I start with the carrot salads? She also does live with her parents so I won't have the ability to just have her eat the same food as I do, it would be more me dictating her what to eat and how to prepare it and she would hopefully do as told. Really need some advice here, I feel responsible for what she has done to herself and I love her too much to continue to allow her to do this to herself.
@atlantean1488 Ballooning in weight is not a given just from peating, and having sustained a severe eating disorder will buffer weight regain in the beginning simply because of the sheer amount of calories required to restore lost organ mass.
Starting with a carrot salad won't be very productive. The carrot salad is a tool for a specific issue. Your girlfriends issue right now is a lack of nutrition, something which a carrot salad is ill fitted to amend.
The most fundamental aspects you should focus on is making sure she gets enough protein through ruminant meat and dairy, as well as trying to get her to consume adequate carbohydrates to begin restoring her body. Increasing gradually to allow her body to adapt to the new energy availability.
(I would focus on fruit juices, easy to digest fruits, possibly white rice, chocolate as a snack if you can get her to eat it.)
If her iron status is really poor there's merit to supplementing a well tolerated iron supplement (iron protein complex perhaps) for a short time even though it's typically looked at with caution through a Peat prism.
Do note that a clinical eating disorder is no joke and getting her to actually comply will likely be extremely difficult depending on how serious her situation is.Best of luck.
Thank you so much for this. I'll slowly try get her to integrate these dietary changes, she always gets either a juice or milkshake whenever we go out so I think it should be pretty easy to get her to start consuming these at home.
And yeah I've been reluctant to introduce iron supplements to her considering what peat said but she is genuinely shedding a lot of hair and is disgusted by organ meat so it's a tough spot to be in. Her eating disorder isn't horribly bad, she's not underweight to the point she gets blown away by the wind but she just has this terrible habit of under eating and being sick from eating a lot and with the way it's heading it could get a lot worse if I don't do something.
Her problem is psychic not dietary, and you seem to have even pinpointed the source of the neurosis which is quite unusual. Normally this happens and the girl drifts onward meeting people who don't know why she's like that, she just is.
Maybe you're meant to undo some damage since you're back in the picture. It's a self-worth problem for her. She feels she isn't worth anything if she's not skinny, which ofc isn't true.
@MK Sad but true. I've been very nice to her for a while now, compliments and such and physiologically she does seem better but now it is just mostly an issue of diet and nutrition!
@atlantean1488 That's great. it's always good to remember to forgive urself for things done in a lower state of awareness, judgement of self is not efficacious and this kind of guilt is what generates karma. If you can do this you'll be of better aid generally. Best of luck with the gf.