In need of some advice
@darkkk Well I'm a femboy as of now but always thought I might've been trans... egg cracked recently, and I'm going for it, which is why I'm on an HRT protocol now.
12lbs of boar testicles per week, DHT cream 32 times a day and 128 drops on androsterone every hour starting right now.
@Cornelyan umm.... what?
B brad moved this topic from Bioenergetics Discussion on
@Terminator @Cornelyan I hope it's clear to anyone observing that these posts are not serious
@brad ?
I am looking for advice, and your saying this "isn't serious"?
@femboy I was referring to the posts of the people I tagged. I have no advice for you.
@brad oh I see, my apologies ^~^
@Cornelyan why would boar testicles help??
@femboy supposedly from the androgens that would be aromatised and increase the estrogens in your body
This post is deleted! -
Woah the new forum is banning people already? Why was femboy banned? What are the forum's guidelines for banning?
@buckminster Because he was a retarded troll
Brad was nice enough to reach out to me directly and explain the account was suspended for suspected spamming. He asked if I knew them personally and could confirm they were a real person. I said I suspected they were trollin'.
I recall on herb radio a trans women asked ray for advice on hormones. In Ray's typical fashion of being compassionate and meeting people where they are at, without judgment he simply suggested progesterone.
@buckminster big loss for the free market of ideas…