I think he is among the doctors who genuinely want to help the affected and so far, I haven’t seen or heard him do or promote anything that‘s not in our best interest - to the best of his abilities ofc. There’s really not much published on this specific topic (vax injury), as one could imagine. Almost no reputable scientist or journal wants to be associated with vax injury, for obvious reasons.
As for quercetin, I used the NOW brand that also adds bromelain. I‘m not happy with the additives in it though, but it‘s a huge bottle so I‘ll finish it. I don’t know if their quercetin is any good, as it‘s sometimes quite hard to get ahold of certificates if analysis for every supplement I‘m taking. Maybe bulk supplements offers a food/pharma grad powder. I‘m also taking zinc every now and then, as it goes well with quercetin (acts as an ionophore, transports zinc into cell). I use california gold nutritions Zn Picolonate as it has no silica as additive.