Kosher/Halal Peating?
Any fellow practitioners of Kosher Peatology or Halal Peatology? I’m transitioning from hybrid vegan peating and wanted some advice, I might mix in some KaleoPeating in there if my Imam approves
I have often reflected on how religious dietary restrictions can be peaty or unpeaty. On the one hand, the kosher bans on eating or cooking meat with dairy, eating shellfish, etc. are highly unpeaty. On the other hand avoiding pork in favor of ruminants is peaty.
@VehmicJuryman Ray said he liked eating pork for it's digestibility though
Where did he say that?
Kosher Peating can be done minus shellfish- you could still eat small fish. Guidelines about separating milk and meat isn't really that much of an issue. Kosher regulations on certain cuts of meat(I've met Jews who do not eat flank steak or any cut from the back half) may be tough(no oxtails) but you can still eat bone marrow, the feet, and front half joints.
Halal Peating seems easy. My understanding(limited) of Quran and seafood is that seafoods, including shellfish, are allowable so long as they do not resemble a haram land animal to eat- sea snakes, alligators, crocodiles, fish that look like a dog/human are haram. I'd love to try camel or desert goat milk- i hear camel milk is very tasty and can be minerally.