some questions regarding MCT oil
so basically I started supplementing vit A but resorted to oil because pills would probably be zogged or something. I acquainted myself with the some gal products and the results are incredible but it is only now that I realize that there may be some downsides regarding the MCT oil. My question is: is it peaty or should I stop taking it.
Some people seem to be directly allergic to it, in others it may exacerbate other allergies. I personally never noticed any downsides from it, even in doses of several grams. People with severe health problems, especially gut related should probably avoid it orally and stick to topical use. Healthy individuals can try it out orally and see if they notice any negative effects. For most healthy people the small amount ingested when used as a carrier oil for fat soluble vitamins is probably fine.
@Big_El Thank you for your reply, glad to hear it