New "Mission" of RPF
Great film.
@JamesGatz stop f****ing about on Twitter and make a film thread. (With humour and heart sir.)
As my 7th grade science teacher Mr. Eisler said, and had a poster to the same wordage = " Just because you are not paranoid, does NOT mean that they are NOT out to get you."We were visited upon by some Jehova Witnesses last year. We were very rural, and they did the unconscionable. They opened a chained gate to the property, for vehicles (and people). We had two dogs then, but wimps. They could have been mauled alive. Stupid and illegal move by the idjuts. I told them "NOT interested. Please leave.".
Everyone in the countryside knows one doesn't enter a closed gated property without prior permission. No guns here to worry about, just big scary dogs.They were collecting money for their own church plans in the area. ???
@C-Mex , @AkJono and whoever else...
Have you guys checked out Miles Mathis's blog recently?
Have just read his April 4th drop, a 10 page pdf that really gets on topic starting at page 2.
"I emerge from my binge reading of Mathis—artist, physics bad boy, cultural critic, and constant exposer of spooks—with every surety of my youth dispelled by his X-ray vision."
@BioEclectic said in New "Mission" of RPF:
and whoever else...
What’s the tl;dr @BioEclectic? I really don’t have the time. I do however have the humour. In wondering what ChatGPT would contract it in to, relative to a private model.
I did have a little guilty skim of page 2 before searching for the words “satan”, “lucifer” or “devil”. Low and behold, I came upon the phrase “Satan vibe”. And wondered if Mr Mathis has spent any time wondering how the cognitive space works, or rather doesn’t, for those who may find themselves afflicted. Metaphorically or not.
Of course. I am not making statements. And there is still a humorous tone about my heart.
@ThinPicking Just enough cliffs to whet the appetite.
Mike Adams of Natural news a spook, along with a few others. Satan vibe comment refers to a gaffe made by Mike Adams, intentional or otherwise.
Trump, "dark matter", the likely intentional scientific ignorance of electrons and especially photons, the misdirection that multiple dimensions, blackholes & wormholes provide, Kip Thorne's Nobel fraud, Italian last names not an indicator of sculptor talent, praying to trannies, scorning the ole potassium iodide will be worth more than gold mantra, the Iranian consulate distraction, most everything to distract away from Covid responses so the biggest $$$$$$$ will remain immune to prosecution in Minecraft, cough.
@AkJono said in New "Mission" of RPF:
The movie "The Constant Gardener" .... .
After I saw that movie I thought "how long until they start this pharm-op on the West?". That was besides fluoride, radiated food, cancer causing pesticides/herbicides and of course just high yield/poor nutrition grains and produce. Anyhow, we will survive and thrive. Just gotta live it. Ciao.It’s funny how we compartmentalise things. When I saw that film I didn’t even consider that such experiments were not a one way street – rich nations exploiting poorer ones. Even though I knew that psychiatry in the West was being weapoinised against certain groups, I managed to forget that there is mass experimentation, documented, going on all over the western world. SSRI’s on young people, radiation poisoning on mass, etc. I could list many ways in which everyone everywhere is now a lab rat.
Case in point
Much of Britain was exposed to bacteria sprayed in secret trials
@basednigga2006 said in New "Mission" of RPF:
This site should how twitter embeds -_- now you only see a link
It will. Be patient Mr Based.
What's the value in the links anyway. Have you skipped through the latest livestream. Everything you need to know for a study is right there.
Leave indignation at the side of the road.
can you explain
what you mean when you say men are 'spiritually homosexual'
im interested in this. i read last night about how jesus in the bible is apparently feminised and androgynous vs the real jesus
but at the same time he treated women equally and stuff.. broke rules... did what he wanted
@questforhealth, would you be so kind as to take a grand inquisition of self to the post highlighted in the one you're questioning. It would be a bit more in place.
Thank you.
I'm tempted to nudge you to take your mind elsewhere entirely. For sometimes it is simply best to live a little. But I'm lacking context, time, and it is not my place.
My neighbor returned and knew nothing about the people that came by. Although she is somewhat religious, she said she told the church people not to return, as I have asked them as well. She also thought it was suspicious. They seemed interested only in her house and/or my house and we barely associate so something got in my mind that they had a geoposition that they were trying to pinpoint. I've been able to track my own IP address online in the past, and it shows an imprecise but pretty close position to where I am located. IDK, feeling a little paranoidish after reading what kind of 'research' they are doing to people online.
Turns out Mike Benz is way ahead on the Google/Jigsaw mind control stuff. Recall that the Dept of Psychology at Cambridge partners with Jigsaw and CISA.
With this knowledge, for me personally any value from an online forum for gaining information or understanding a person's work is now gone and the risks of manipulation/frustration/diversion etc outweigh any potential benefits. I also don't want to be an unwitting 'research' subject. I'm going to go back and read all of his work again, listen to as many interviews as possible, just as I did over a decade ago. I also hope to find other truth-tellers along way. See ya'll around somewhere in the Peat-o-sphere. May Ray Peat rest in peace and may his true work shine through the abomination of the Ray Peat Forum.
BTW RFK Jr's VP pick Nicole Shanahan is interested in pursuing research in Bioenergetics and has been incorporating some of the principles of morning sunlight first discussed in Ray Peat's work.
Oh no. “A former user.” I guess the gangstalkers got him for getting too close to the truth.
"if the hype is to be believed" - Mike Benz
So what would it do. Maybe it would share Mike Benz content with the stern tone of a T-1000 and repeatedly tell people not to get distracted.
- benz&src=typed_query&f=media
I don't seem to be able to find Benz bit on the documents that empower a "multinational tech corporation" in the first place. Maybe it would be bad for views.
This post is deleted! -
Imagine if Dr. Peat put his pen down
every time someone peered over his fence
when his college was disbanded
when his home was burgled
He knew he was under surveillance but he continued to work so we can be better informed
What a remarkable man.
Raymond Peat is dead, long live Raymond Peat!