Incandescent bulbs effect on my temps
Yestersay i finally descided to replace all the LED and fluorescent bulbs in my house with incandescrnt ones. I had very deep restful sleep 10+ hours and woke up with my temps a full degree higher than usual. From about 97.4 waking temp -> 98.4 degrees. This increased in the late aftertoon to over 99 degrees. I highly recommend trying this out if your temps dont seem to budge.
@Sugarnotsnow Where do you find incandescent bulb these days?
@OliverCloasov I ordered them off amazon. The brand is HUDSON
@OliverCloasov Wow no way, I was searching on Amazon for incandescents just last month and turned up nothing above 15W. I was sad when I learned the government was trying to make them illegal. Thanks for sharing this
How well do you find these brighten your spaces?
I find LED light, particularly white and blue, very harsh. I have a business a block away from my home with super bright LEDs for their parking lot, and I have to close the blinds at night because it’s so irritating.
Last time I was at the store to buy bulbs, the only incandescents I found were little appliance bulbs. I had to buy online.
@sphagnum Yea its hard to find them. They are starting to ban them in dtores. Especially ones that are bright enough