how to increase me metabolism ?
i have a glycogen problem and my sleep is very bad, and my general resistance is low, brain fog and non creativity, digestion is bad, no libido...
@erva-mate start with basic simple sugar consumption, such as orange juice, fruits, honey, milk. With this as the basis of your snacking diet, enjoy regular caffeine use, and depending on your tolerances/digestion, have meals of balanced (not just muscle meat) proteins. Virtually impossible not to increase metabolism from the point you have described. Combine this with exercise, preferably lighter (walking/hiking/calisthenics) and you’ll certainly feel an overall stimulus to your metabolism.
What have you tried? Would be a shame if everyone will give you advice you already did...
B brad moved this topic from Ray Peat Resources on
@The-Good-Doctor you reccomend low fat ? how to mutch meat a day ?
@erva-mate low-ish fat. Saturated fat is a great buffer against many metabolic ailments and I personally try and make sure I’m getting fat every 6 or so hours. Coconut oil if not (trusted) animal fat from beef/dairy.
But yes, it is correct to have that be the limited macro when trying to lose fat. But, is a balance..
Try some jumping jacks there flapjack