Idealabs Solvent
Which solvent do you prefer for idealabs supps? Tocopherols or ethanol? Are tocopherols the more effective route if taking orally?
As for Pansterone, I've read there is less chance of DHEA converting to estrogen if applied topically. Would ethanol and topical application be preferable for this product?
@temple-of-salt I believe the main purpose of the SFA/ ethanol mixture is that it should greatly increase topical absorption of whatever is dissolved in it. Really great for stuff like vit K where a good topical dose would end up in me cutting up several capsules and mixing them with coconut oil on my legs. The olive oil may still be preferable for topical use on more sensitive areas, or for making into diy cosmetics etc. I’m unsure if one is better than the other for oral use other than olive oil being more pleasant to squirt into your mouth.