Ideal Ratios of Fat Soluble Vitamins (and safe amounts)
I'm curious what you guys think are ideal ratios, and safe quantities. Specifically we're talking A, D, E, K(2).
For example, @haidut 's estroban is as follows:
Vitamin A - 6,000 IU
Vitamin D - 2,000 IU
Vitamin E - 200 IU
Vitamin K2 (MK-4) - 2mgSo something like 30 : 10 : 1, at 2mg K2
And since fat solubles build up, are we sure that the amounts above are safe? For example, the A is 2x the recommended 3000 IU per day. But then there's the other vitamins "balancing it out". Also, is that amount of D on the low side? Ditto for E and K2 - though I've never seen any guidelines for K2.
So as a starting point, are these optimal and safe amounts? Or what might one change? Assuming for an average adult male let's say.
could probably take more D and A than what you've listed. move the vitamin E to Saturday Sunday only and take the K tues-wed-thurs at 5-10mg (with 35g fat for max absorption) so there's less risk of the K oxidizing the E