@yerrag said in Rudolf Steiner's Great Lectures Has Me As Impressed As When I Started on My Health Journey with Ray Peat:
It’s a scary thought. Healing from the spiritual route is something we are not used to, being that we are mostly closed to material or physical healing. The more I get familiar with esoteric Christianity, the more I am open to spiritual healing as a component of our healing. One reason the powers that be keep pushing for vaccination for everything has to include separating is from the spirit.
One more reason to resist vaccination.
Definitely. The powers don’t want people actually thinking, just following. You are right. They want us disconnected to our spirits because it’s our spirit that connects us to the divine, beyond ourselves.
And this has nothing to do with religion. Religion is a man made construct. Man made, man constructed
religion has nothing to do with true spiritually imo.
Religion was formulated by certain individuals throughout the ages to control man’s spirit, and the free expression thereof. And since by nature, mankind wants to be connected to others thru validation, mankind has willingly followed the crowd. Often times to their own detriment.
Plus, eradicate one’s connection with divine Creator, ie highjack the VMAT2 gene, and you got masses of humanity under control just like you want. Slaves.
I’ll add to what I wrote….I think the difference between someone who is religious and someone who is spiritual: a religious person is motivated by the collective, what the group says to do.
The spiritual person is motivated by what their inner
cognitive self, (the soul, their intellect) is saying to them. Which is then either validated or rejected by their spirit.
As we may be familiar, the exoteric is the external. The group think.The religion think. What others tell one how to behave.
Basically a person who operates on this level lets others do their thinking for them. Think of how certain internet forums operate.
The more esoterically minded individual, is one who looks within.
Of course, people can abuse the idea of looking within by listening to the wrong voices and thus go in a direction that leads them down the wrong path.
I think you have to know yourself very well to determine what is valid for you. Much wisdom comes from personal experience, trial and error. A lot of people can come to the wrong conclusions, because they haven’t had the experiences to know what is valid or not.
They believe they are thinking for themselves when in reality their thoughts are motivated by outside influences.
Many novices think that by listening to some guru, they have arrived at the answers, but they haven’t tested for themselves, how that answer is valid or not.
A big part of receiving answers has much to do with humility. Being willing to learn from one’s mistakes. Being willing to recognise that you know very little.