@Peatly oh jajaja yeah, i will delete now.

Latest posts made by Martiño
@onliest it's not so easy. When communism is involved it's easy to choose sides quickly. Church is Spain was collaborating with fascists groups as Falange for example, back then society was really radicalised in both ends. Do you think the fascist didn't rape women and kill children??
The dictatorship was the end of any hope for a healthy and independent Spain, not necessarily ruled by communism. Racism between regions was created, destruction of other languages and cultures, historical catholical kingdoms also destroyed because you can only be "Spanish". Destruction of monuments, libraries etc. Terror to speak your mind, freedom was only given to rich people that of course supported Franco in order to keep their wealth. This is the base of our current democracy, the rich families that ruled with Franco are the ones that have Spain on strings, and no right or left party will touch them, because these are Franco's death bed wishes. He also stole cultural heritage like Castles, art, sculptures, land, everything. Like i told you, when the communist are the enemy is so easy to point out the evil side right?? I wouldn't be so brave saying that Franco was the less worse option, I know that my nation which is Galicia would be free and independent nowadays if Franco didn't rule. I know that my grandparents wouldn't have to start working at 9 years old instead of learning how to read (they were born after the war), I know that, indeed, Spain would be a better country letting go of nations and kingdoms that doesn't belong to Spain.
I hope you understand, for foreigners to fully understand the depth of Iberia, I would have to write here the length of 4 bibles. It's not something unique in Europea as so many modern countries are formed with other countries without state. And the damage that the dictatorship caused here, I assure you you can't even get a grasp of it. It could be a great country, yes, but so many dreams were destroyed when the war started. And as i told you the Church was a fascist tool so the attacks on churches were seen as normal by comms. Franco bombed Guernika full of civilians to show off muscle... That's also horrible like the comms. The real way out of that madness was slowly giving privileges to these nations without state and forming the country based on the necessities of each region, because that Spanish national pride is artificial and made up to create the idea of a unified country. In Galicia a golden generation of intelectuals defended from many points of view, cultural, artistical, historical, traditional, linguistical.. the independence of Galicia, they were catholic and really religious, some more right handed others left handed, but the link between them was the love for Galicia and the hope to see the nation running free from all the miseries that the Spanish government was causing (yes, long before the dictatorship). Truth is that republics and dictatorships always treated these nations like shit, because thats what it matters on Spanish politics, keeping the centralized system with the center of the black hole in Madrid, no right no left, they lost Cuba and they don't want to lose the last colonies left, because without them Spain wouldn't be Spain.
RE: Methylene Blue
@Erika I started a week ago with it, I couldn't find specific recommendations for a nootropic use. I just pour 3 drops in like half a liter of water and drink it with calm without rush. I feel the effects on my cognitive skills so for sure it's having effect on cardiovascular system and cellular levels too. That's my advice as someone that just started. Once i tried to put 3 drops directly to the tongue but the flavour is not so pleasant and you feel the intensity of it too much.
RE: Methylene Blue
@Lothric wow that is a really high dose. I started taking it last week (took one bottle from the lab at Uni) and just 3 drops are enough for me to feel the nootropic effects. The other day I tried taking like 9 drops through the day and i started peeing blue-ish green, so I wouldn't recommend taking that much as you can feel the effect with 1-2 drops in like half liter of water.
Anyways I'm a rookie with Methylene blue it's just my opinion analysing the start of my usage.
@onliest USA of course had to enter the war, it was the act of a vulture, eating what's left and taking advantage of the weakness derived from the war.
And bro I am from Spain, and I tell you Franco started a civil war, people was being killed for their beliefs. Maybe you were a simple shepherd living in a small town and next day you were shot in front of a wall because you were affiliated to the communist party, that back then was the only thing protecting the rights of the working class. You had to kill your brother, your uncle, your neighbour... Franco created all that hatred, and don't be fooled by the Right VS Left never ending fight, Franco attacked because Spain was giving more and more independence to the historic nations that form Iberia, like Catalunya, Basque Country or Galicia. This was the fear of Franco and nowadays is the fear of the Spanish state, it has always been, these nations are just kept in a colonial economical state to feed the bottomless hole that Madrid is, and that Franco created. He is often seen as the saviour of Spain and Christianity, but it's just propaganda, he destroyed cultures, supressed languages, killed innocent people (civilians not soldiers), he basically destroyed Spain. But he has a lot of good propaganda for being ultra catholic, Spain was like that before he took power, he didn't invent anything. My grandma still talks about life those days.. if these proto fascist Twitter accounts that love Franco and just get totally manipulated by propaganda could hear my grandma they would shit themselves in shame bro, Franco dictatorship was the worst that could happen to Spain, and we are still paying it nowadays in a democracy created by him and the king to keep stealing and growing their wealth out of the people of this country, Italy and Portugal made revolutions against fascist dictatorships and nowadays are better countries, Spain's fate has been worse.
@onliest i think this is a dice of so many edges. Here in Europe we have been letting migrants in to do the jobs nobody wantes and payed like shit, when economies where growing and everybody was thriving. In parallel, European societies started detaching from religion to the point we are now in.
All of these lead to think that Europe has been controlled by powers we don't get to see ( call it masons call it how you want). But the influence of these powers seem to destroy European cultures and traditions throughout decades, that's called a plan.
For me the downfall started when USA stepped a foot in Germany and west Europe apparently bringing "peace" and money to rebuild the countries due to war damages, at the same time signing nazi scientists for NASA and other institutions and stablishing good relationship with killers and fascists like Franco in Spain. The future of Europe fell from its hands long long ago and linked to this you see the downfall of cultures and traditions that were naturally attached to us, invaluable immaterial heritage. Things would look better if migrants were sent home i believe that, but it's important not to fall in xenophobic streams because we are all humans. In my place people had to migrate to all America, and Europe because missery and famine were spreading do to shitty Spanish management, it is true that those migrants were white Catholic and full of good values, hard working people, not what we are seeing nowadays,but still the problem comes from above, a dark hand destroying Europe.
RE: Huge cramp in lower back
@CO3 it's not really self torture. I just think my body could reach certain limits without nothing happening and it said "no". I learn from this and take full accountability that it was a mistake to take it so far, but it's not self torture at all.
Thanks for the advice, I have that specific kind of magnesium at home.
RE: Huge cramp in lower back
@mayishima I've been thinking on not doing any kind of shoulder press for a while, just pike push ups and tyson push ups. The area is not weak but from now on I will dedicate more time to strengthen it. I'm hating the fact I had to stop working out, it's just 4 days but I hate it, I hope I can do something tomorrow even if it's light work.
Anyways, thanks for your insights and your advice, they are helpful.
Huge cramp in lower back
Performing cuban shoulder presses, the last reps when the shoulder is nearly destroyed, to get that extra strenght, my back gets in innatural positions where it shouldn't be dealing with any charges.
Last Saturday I felt like a lash between the end of the mid back and the beginning of the lower back on the left side. I'm sure it's due to not paying attention to my posture when performing the final reps.
I've been applying heat in the area and really against my will taking painkillers (Enantyum) because the pain was really paralysing to the point of being unable to move. The knot is the size of a fist, and i hope it's just a knot and the fibers are ok.
Any advice is welcome, and if you had something similar feel free to tell me how you treated it. At least now I know the price of forcing the body... Technique is always key.