@GRay I am probably going to get labs done here soon.

"The much celebrated dominion of man over nature' resulted simply in an immense homicidal capacity."
Latest posts made by Lothric
RE: Progest E Dosing and Questions
RE: Progest E Dosing and Questions
Ever since I started taking it I am warmer through the day and pulse is higher. It seems to have almost broke a stress cycle I couldn't get out of.
Progest E Dosing and Questions
Out of every pro metabolic substance I have tried Progest E is the most consistent at raising my temp and pulse. Even more so than thyroid. If I take it with thyroid its even more effective.
My question is as a man how frequently can I take it without it interfering with my androgen production? I remember Ray spoke about how lower doses can actually help with Test production because of Progesterone ability to block estrogen and keep Test from aromatizing. I also recall that DHEA with Prog can help with androgens.
Progest E every time I take it has been just so all around wonderful I would like to continue but those are my concerns.
RE: Best remedies and interventions for receding gums?
So I have had poor oral health for awhile. Gums would bleed terribly even after light brushing. After using Baking soda and Methylene Blue to brush my teeth and using a diluted magnesium chloride solution as a mouth wash and then ingesting I was able to completely stop my bleeding gums. Inflammation has entirely gone down as well.
RE: Best remedies and interventions for receding gums?
Following this thread
RE: Apple Cider Vinegar for Digestion
@pondfountain Everything besides very simple carbs like fruits or syrups.
Thyroid Safety
Theoretically what happens if you OD on thyroid. I've always been worried about upping my dose when I was one it. Which has caused me to more than likely be too conservative in my use of it.
RE: DAO Deficiency
This study seems to indicative that mast cell degranulation is a very early response induced by TD (Thiamine Deficiency)
RE: DAO Deficiency
@LucH said in DAO Deficiency:
Mind unsuspicious counterproductive effects. A nonsense, I know. One example: High dose thiamine. So if taking one supplement, make a search to see if there is an impact on histamine or estrogen.
PS: Mind when eating canned fish (tuna) or pre-packaged cold cuts such as ham, sausage and everything that is smoked or fermented (blue cheese and old cheese).
Hope it could help to manage.What do you mean by the above? Are you saying high dose thiamine would help? And are you saying that canned fish and cold cuts can make histamine worse?
DAO Deficiency
My wife has been having an issue with histamine dumps for about a year now. It always happens right before her cycle where she has "allergy" like symptoms. Congestion, puffy face, body aches. For awhile I would just give her cyproheptadine during to help alleviate the symptoms but it wasn't a solution long term. After consulting with several doctors we just got shrugged shoulders and "try antihistamines and stop eating high histamine food". This was useless advice because it didn't solve the problem. We eventually went to a homeopathic doctor a friend recommended and the doctor put her on some homeopathic remedy which worked. When i inquired about what it was it was a homeopathic tincture containing DAO enzyme. Which makes sense since that enzyme is responsible for the clearing of histamine. But just like the Allopathic doctors, the homeopathic didn't provide any insight on HOW to fix a DAO enzyme deficiency. In their mind the tincture will just "heal her" eventually but the moment she stopped taking it it came back.
So my question is from a Bioenergetic standpoint how does one go about correcting a DAO deficiency with diet?