have you combined it with K2?

Latest posts made by jens
RE: Huge cramp in lower back
I would consider taking a very warm and long epsom salt bath.
RE: Help with upper GI bleeding
Very interesting. With the salt being in gelatin capsules, it probably made it far down without being digested or diluted, thats probably enough to cause great irritation and bleeding. Most foods could probably irritate your GI tract if you have a salt induced burn/fissure/wound.
I think vitamin K could help stop the bleeding, its necessary for blood to clot. keeping the gut as clean an unburdened as possible while the sore heals would also probably be beneficial.
what is your idea behind consuming so much salt?
RE: Aspirin allergy?
@yerrag I will find a relative to guinea pig and have them eat liver and oysters frequently to see if it reverses aspirin allergy. Interestingly, even just a few milligrams of aspirin applied anywhere on the skin is enough to induce a large enough systemic reaction that an antihistamine is needed.
Aspirin allergy?
Does anyone here have experience with curing an allergy to acetylsalicylic and salicylic acids? many of my relatives have developed an allergy to aspirin in their twenties, making me think that the allergy is caused from an accumulation of stress. Does anyone know the underlying cause of this allergy?
RE: Ginkgo Biloba + Panax Ginseng peaty?
I have heard georgi say good things about biloba, my understanding that it is also a serotonin antagonist.
RE: Wilhelm Reich, Vril, Esoteric Peatlerism
@metabolicmilk On my original post I left a link to a handbook that describes the whole theories behind it, and step by step instructions on how to make them. It is called "the orgone accumulator handbook." There are also many available youtube videos that show the process. You can google "how to make an orgone blanket" and you should be able to find plenty of videos
RE: Wilhelm Reich, Vril, Esoteric Peatlerism
@brad Low density suburb. 10 or 15 minute drive or so away from any urban or more densely populated area. Not close to any nuclear or power plants, big sources of bad orgone contamination. Nearest cell tower is probably 3 or so miles away, but I do not have a clear field of vision to it from my house. Very much so on the electrical grid however. I do not live in close enough proximity to my neighbors to be able to connect to their WIFI. Decently high altitude 4500+ which does affect orgone concentration.
This guys work is interesting, he goes around donating cloudbusters and orgone devices around the desert in order to "restore" them. He theorizes that desert environments are entirely unnatural and brought about through bad orgone, chemtrails, EMF, etc..Deserts are almost like a patch of calcification and fibrosis, they can be restored to lush lands by restoring energetic order.
https://www.theorgonedonor.com/blog/instructions-for-the-almighty-chembuster -
RE: Wilhelm Reich, Vril, Esoteric Peatlerism
@brad Interesting relationship here with the artificial cloud and reichs cloudbuster. Orgone, or neutrino seems to be intimately involved in the cloud process. While peat was hyperthyroid he displaced and dissolved the cloud in the exact shape of his organism. I think hypothyroid individuals do the opposite and accumulate this cloud essence. When someone "has a cloud over their head" they literally have something about them that accumulates and concentrates a negatively charged neutrino, or have created some sort of vacuous void of which the cloud fills.
RE: Wilhelm Reich, Vril, Esoteric Peatlerism
@brad I think I found the quote you were referring to from day one on the back of a tiger "In that same period, I visited some of my Reichian friends in San Francisco. One of them worked at the Exploratorium and they took me there just after hours to show me what was what with the Exploratorium. And at one of the displays, it was a cloud chamber. She turned it on and was going to show how you could visualize the cosmic rays in the clouds. And as it clouded up, that aroused my interest. So I moved up close to the cabinet and the cloud disappeared in a cylinder shaped like my body. As I backed away, the cloud filled in the space and it was like there was a field destroying the condensation in that area. But as soon as I took thyroid, I've never had any of those excessive field effects." -Ray peat