@ThinPicking why do you try to bully me
I'm 17 soon to be 18, New to this space I'm interested to learn more
Latest posts made by gg12
The universe is in dissonance—it causes innegligble flaws and errors in all things, which results in disagreement and conflict.
Harmony consists of negligible flaws and errors.
Perfection has no flaws and errors—none.
Perfection is redundant, harmony is perfect enough.
The universe demonstrate cycles, which seems to convey recyclement, reincarnation, and reconnection.
The universe is governed by mathematical destiny.
Tell me your opinion on the covid vaxx
Sure it may be old news, But I do wonder what will happen in the next few years as things ramp up. Will a new wave come and kill off the vaxxed? Or will they be kept alive because they were compliant?
I sadly did receive it multiple times because I was a young blud without a clue. -
RE: What happened to Tim Berzins? (Amplifiedvitality)
@gg12 Bump cmon someone must know him
What happened to Tim Berzins? (Amplifiedvitality)
I fw his YouTube channel : amplified vitality
I think he did an interview with Danny Roddy at one point.
Not sure where he is today.
Hope he is doing well. -
RE: Estrogenic, Androgenic and Progestogenic People
@ThinPicking Bro how do I access bioen.forum
Is that the websites name? Or do you just mean this forum?
Maybe its blocked on google. -
RE: Detoxing from Atmospheric Stressors
@dapose I be under the covers for like 10 minutes before falling asleep
RE: Detoxing from Atmospheric Stressors
@Corngold I am grateful for the few days when I can see and feel the sun clearly. It does make me sad that the sun has gone from yellow to a harsh white. The magnetic poles shifting and the atmosphere getting thinner. It feels nice for a bit but then it starts to feel harsh. I am not pro chem trails I honestly think its fixing the symptoms instead of addressing the problem (A thin atmosphere) How long will the bandaid of chemtrails last while the earths atmosphere rots away and the suns radiation destorys us? Maybe the earth deserves a good reset. Also when I was in california I could feel it in my lungs after a day out. Where I live it rains a bit so maybe that means less toxins in the air.