How do I have less bowel movements?
Why are so many peatbros so excited to poop so many times a day? I have to go too much and it's unbearable. I would give anything to only go like once, maybe twice maximum.
Any strategies? -
@hypermensch less coffee maybe
@roided_bulgar Cutting out coffee hasn't made much of a difference
Serotonin or gut irritation (which can cause serotonin release) can increase transit time so it depends on how "formed" your BMs are. As long as they are completely solid with no pain, it's actually healthier for you to go more often.
How's your diet? Carrot salad?
@catharsis They're usually well formed and clean, especially if I avoid starch, but I find myself needing to go again in anywhere from 20-60 mins later.
@hypermensch less fiber
@hypermensch I eat at the bare minimum, 250g of beef, 2L of milk, on top of that I have eggs, fruit and cheese. The carrot salad hasn't really seemed to make a difference so I haven't had it for a while.
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