@hypermensch less coffee maybe

Latest posts made by roided_bulgar
RE: Tips for premature ejaculation?
You could be hyperventilating or are in a state of greater hyperventilation since your trip. You should measure you Control Pause. If it's below 20 seconds then there's a good chance getting it up to a least 40 seconds would help you. Buteyko breathing exercises would help increase it.
to measure Control Pause:
-Breath normal
-After a relaxed exhale, hold your breath.
-Use your index finger and thumb to plug your nose.
-Retain your breath until you feel the urge to breathe, which may include an involuntary movement of your diaphragm or neck
-time the breath hold -
RE: Why do I only have one Kidney?
@NoFapPeating sorry I think I misread previous comment. I though you were saying I could regrow a missing kidney. Anyway the only problem with the theft theory is I would've have had to be cut open so wouldn't I have had a scar?
RE: Why do I only have one Kidney?
@NoFapPeating I suppose I could have two by now. I never checked
RE: Why do I only have one Kidney?
@LinDaiyu Interesting could you elaborate?
RE: Peaty fighting sports...
King of the hill seems pretty peaty. More of a game than a sport, but maybe that's to its credit as a peated activity. I remember playing it a lot as a kid. It basically gamifies hill sprints (concentric) with periodic bouts of wrestling.
Also I remember peat saying something about the stress of exercises being mitigated by getting to accomplish some goal/purpose during the activity. LIike chopping wood. In king of the hill, it's hard to stay king and easy to become king, so I think you get a lot of opportunity for gratification of a goal -
Why do I only have one Kidney?
Some people are only born with a single kidney. I am one of those people.
Apparently it's just a bigger kidney that handles the load of two. As a kid I was told this was normal by my family doc and I've never had a problem.
Only recently have I started to wonder the cause. All of my siblings have two. So I wonder if having one is a consequence of some type of suboptimal condition during pregnancy-- be it stress or nutrition related or whatever. Anyone have any ideas?Also wondering if there's a subtly different way I should be eating to account for my having only one, like drinking less or something like that..