Preformance drop day after masturbation (no ejaculation)
Any ideas why this happens? What changes occur in the body to cause it? The sport in question is basketball.
Other symptoms I experience are:
Mindlessness (difficulty focusing)
Emotional numbness (no happiness or sadness)
Reduced humor/sociability/ wittiness
Wandering thoughts
Slight vision distortion (possibly a faint white overlay)
Lower self-confidence (not entirely sure)
Frequent attention lapses ("blinks")
Mild anxiety at night
Tunnel vision + Dissociation
The same happens when I ejaculate aswell
when I got a CO2 injection in my head I got a fat boner at some point and thought to myself "this is the exact kind of erection I had when I was a teenager". CO2 is the superior youthful energy direction.
with edging it's a more prolonged, almost forced masturbation encounter. the erection doesn't feel the same, you're using nitric oxide instead. there's a distinct lack of vigor behind it; it's the wrong energy direction.
Nitric oxide activates COX-2 which creates prostaglandins and then estrogen. I think every single symptom you mentioned is downstream from estrogen and mechanically going through the motions, jorking it, is in no way good for you.
@izkrov said in Preformance drop day after masturbation (no ejaculation):
CO2 injection in my head
How/why did you get in a CO2 injection in your head?
@gloryus Carboxytherapy session. Great for women, basically reverses their ludwig hair loss pattern but I wanted to try it out for myself. At some point my hair just stopped growing but after going I noticed my bangs grew down to my eyes again within a week and my hair was particularly shiny. I haven't been in awhile, there's probably some kind of topical CO2 variant that's cheap and similar in effectiveness
@izkrov Hey thank you for the reply, but I am a bit confused about the nitric oxide boner part. Can you explain what you mean by that?