Why am I suddenly getting sick so much?
I've been peating for maybe 2.5 months or do, in a serious way.
Cortisol is dropping rapidly, I feel better and more energetic than I have in years, buy I notice that I am catching every padding respiratory bug that winks at me.
I used to be practically bulletproof, maybe get some congestion and sniffles, take a fistful of vit C for 2 or 3 days and be over it. Lately it seems that I can neither dodge nor quickly beat it anymore.
Could this be because I'm basically in the awkward in between stage, improving but not yet healthy? The chronic cortisol and adrenaline were keeping me "healthy?"
What can I do for a peaty expectorant? I've got a heavy cough, but can't get it out of my lungs.
Not sure if it’s anything Peat talked about, but grinding up cloves & putting them in a pot of filtered/distilled boiling water over the stove and inhaling the steam through the nose should help.
define "peating"
what are you taking and eating? anything you cut out of your diet or environment?
@skywxlker I've cut pufa and most raw veggies, and have been taking desicated thyroid, and vits a, b complex, d, e k2 mk7, and calcium pretty much daily.
I know metabolism is improved, because I am now uncomfortably warn in more than shorts and t-shirt if it's 70 degrees (F).
@idealabsrat being uncomfortably warm is not a good thing.
your body should be able to respond to the temperature of the environment. 70 degrees is somewhat warm for some people but your body soon adjusts to regulate your temperature.
you are probably raising your metabolism too much with all your supplements. the least I can tell you is to eat enough protein and carbs.
@skywxlker I worded that poorly. After a few days, I don't feel hot like I'm cooking, but I notice I am perfety content when everyone around me is wearing hoodies and sweatshirts.
@idealabsrat hmmm. then I am not entirely sure. usually, abrupt changes can alter your metabolism... vitamins, minerals, hormones all going through different changes.
you're best off going to the doctor and getting a check up. hormones, b vitamins, iron, vitamin d, zinc, copper, immune system, blood cell count