@Sepp-Dietrich I ordered Idea Labs' D and K2 after seeing Georgi's blog about that study. I applied them topically daily but never measured for gains until last August when. I noticed a clear 1cm gain on erect length. I was pleasantly surprised. Already above average but a centimeter is a centimeter.
I've circulated that study on several subreddits and several guys pointed out that the doctor/person or group behind it was a fraud... I don't know and dont really care. My ruler doesn't lie.
@CO2-Maxi glorious!
Be sure and keep us updated
Pumping and stretchingThere was a method by this obscure asian doctor iirc and it was weird but a lot of anecdotal proof for it i’ll see if i can find it
Foreskin restoration often leads to gains, flaccid and erect, as well as girth. I'm on this journey and making rapid gains which I credit to the D/K regimen but maybe it's just Peating..
Anyone else restoring? There was never much on the RPF site.
This study shows that stretching/pumping plus some kind of injection that I've never gotten can lead to increased size:
They used a traction device and a penis pump.
The mean girth increase was .47" in 6 months and the mean length increase was .85".
If you started at 5" long by 4.5" around, you'd be nearly 6"x5" in 6 months if your results were in alignment with the mean.
I know nothing about the injections, but I know from experience that manual stretching and pumping can lead to tremendous gains over time. I would think that taking advantage of locally applied DHEA, vitamin D, and DHT if you're brave could yield results IF you are disciplined about the stretching/pumping.
A Amazoniac referenced this topic on
@CO2-Maxi wait you mean like that Matak Chia guy?
@User69 traction device.. erghhh.. that sounds.. fucked up lol
in all seriousness doesn't that create a ton of scar tissue and stuff? Doesn't really seem desirable.. but I guess it depends on what your goal is though.. if you just want to have the biggest hog possible period I guess it works.
Oh also I heard this dude Ben Greenfield talk on his podcast about how he got these stem cell injections in his dick along with this shockwave treatment. Probably worth at least mentioning
@Sepp-Dietrich Look at how much Ben Greenfield has aged himself over the last few years. He looks pretty bad now. I wouldn't take anything he says too seriously.
@CheesedToPeatYou yeah I haven't listened to that guy for years. When I did he definitely had some interesting things to say.. but I understand now that he's obviously off the mark because he's a huge nitric oxide maxi and that's NOT PEATY
@CheesedToPeatYou he had a long bout with endurance sports which surely took a toll. I wonder if he's tuned into bioenergetics these days. He was always hacking around with new ideas, a real guinea pig.
This is the shockwave therapy he's been promoting https://bengreenfieldlife.com/ben-recommends/other-products/gainswave/