@djoats you need to do some stretching and breathing, not strengthening, strengthening while it's thight might make things worse. https://youtu.be/8OYMx_aw8E0?si=6Ij8xczNkFupnWRS
Make sure you take deep breaths while you preform the stretches and try to relax your floor.
Especially if your job has a lot of sitting you probably have thight hip flexors and weak lower abdominals. One note if you do lift weights DO NOT perform those stretches on a leg day you will wreck your lower body for weeks if not months. The only people who need kegels are people who accidentally pee themselves while laughing or lifting something and sometimes you can have weak erections from lack of strength but I had weak erections from blood flow being cut off because my pelvic floor was hyper thight so it can go both ways.