The Elusive Source for Goodbad Vitamin E
So Progest E has vitamin E in it, but not the OG Premium Wheat Germ Oil Vitamin E TocoVit kind, but one dervied from soy. I'm going to guess here that this type of Vit E is probably fine.
What's a good source for copping this?
If it's a secret I'll understand, but if @haidut can help it'll be amazing. -
@dt The only sources of vitamin E I trust are Tocovit and Health Natura Whole E. If anyone has any other recommendations please post them below.
@metabolicmilk Ok
What I meant was for a more wholesale source of vitamin E? I'm trying to make a homemade progest e formulation based on the patent, to give around and also because I'm very broke.
@metabolicmilk The composition health natura uses for Simply Progesterone is not in line with Peat's patent, just sayin'
@dt Yeah - I would also love to know a wholesale source. Please let me know if you ever find one. I think vitamin E is something that if you get bad quality it will do more harm than good.
What is in line with Peats patent for Proget-E? Vitamin E from Wheat Germ Oil?