Is High Dose Benadryl Peaty?
@Rapist said in Is High Dose Benadryl Peaty?:
Are high doses of diphenhydramine overall beneficial to hormonal profile and health? If it has deleterious effects, how can you mitigate them? I’m an avid Benadryl enjoyer but I want to make sure I’m taking care of my well being at the same time.
There are many studies that have shown that the use of diphenhydramine increases cholinesterase activity in the CNS. Possibly increases cerebral cortex and decreases acetylcholine.
I do not recommend overdosing. Maintaining safe doses will be effective. As the previous speaker mentioned, an overdose often ends in death.
I think Peat said it was okay in normal doses but you shouldn't overrely on it. Overdosing or tripping on it wouldn't be good. It also has harmful excipients. It does lower histamine and serotonin which is good.
@chrome Tripping on it is a death sentance. It's one of the few deliriants, which is in the same category as Datura, so you know its some hardcore shit
@solgirl mind your business
@faggot thanks faggot
@Rapist What's your goal with high dose Benadryl? And have you found a clean source without excipients?
@Rapist Watch 1st gen antihistamines are good in moderation, but in high dose, and especially if you are on some bulgarian cocktail, present a very real risk of serotonin syndrome.
I avoid benadryl after seeing the recent studies showing significantly increased risk of alzheimers even in moderate users
I realise these are epidemiological studies but still, if you need an antihistamine take cypro or maybe pizotifen instead -
@NangaParbat 1st gen antihistamines (particularly cypro) are used as an antidote for serotonin syndrome, I dont see how it could cause it
@ah Dosage makes the poison.
It’s a demonic drug controlled by an evil entity called hatman, avoid under all circumstances.