Help with upper GI bleeding
Two months ago I started taking salt in gelatin capsules in an attempt to increase my salt intake as well as make it more palatable. Soon after I developed issues with my stool being partly colored black and feeling fatigued.
I stopped taking capsules and salt altogether about two weeks ago but the symptoms continue. I don't have any abdominal pain but I'm worried about why it keeps going. I have also stopped drinking coffee and dairy.
What could I take to stop the upper GI tract bleeding? Could my consumption of OJ be irritating my GI tract?
PS: One silver lining is that these past few days I have been sleeping much much better than I used to when I was taking those salt capsules. So I believe my gut is at the very least not getting worse.
Another funny thing is that prior to taking the capsules I had been consuming about 10 grams of salt split across three doses per meal by swallowing them with OJ with no problems. I did this for over a year.
Very interesting. With the salt being in gelatin capsules, it probably made it far down without being digested or diluted, thats probably enough to cause great irritation and bleeding. Most foods could probably irritate your GI tract if you have a salt induced burn/fissure/wound.
I think vitamin K could help stop the bleeding, its necessary for blood to clot. keeping the gut as clean an unburdened as possible while the sore heals would also probably be beneficial.
what is your idea behind consuming so much salt?
@jens I drink so much liquid so I figured this could help me improve my metabolism. Luckily, a lot of the bleeding in the stool has stopped. Not all of it though, it has gone down I'd say 80%. I think the sodium bicarbonate I took helped accelerate healing