Starch: a necessary evil?
I have always had trouble feeling satiated without eating some starch. Combine this with physical work (I’m a mail carrier) and it feels like I can’t live without it. Is starch a necessary evil when one has an active lifestyle? It seems like sugar+fat+protein can only do so much as far as keeping your energy levels up for an extended period.
I’ve tried the milk (+sugar) diet as a way to reset my digestion and could only make it a few days before having to resume eating normally. It felt like I was starving, despite drinking tons of milk to the point that I had to urinate very frequently.
Has anyone else had experience with restricting starch with remaining active?
I personally always find myself craving either rice or potatoes to go along with meals. Not sure if this is ancestral memory or a genuine operating need.
Starch triggers an insulin response that is undesirable for sedentary people (I don't eat start and do only one short workout per week), but for physically very active people this insulin spike seems to be craved and needed.
I think it forces a lot of amino acids very quickly into muscle cells allowing for an accelerated repair that sugar just can't replicate.
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Peat did say starch was ok if very well cooked and consumed with some fat.