Iron deficiency/supplementation + iridology
Hi everyone, I've been prescribed iron supps this week and being familiar with what Ray Peat said about iron, I do not want to take them. I have taken some before, once after my iron showed up ''too low'' after one month of vegetarianism when I was 11 (not menstruating yet)(is this even possible?) and once foolishly a few years ago because I knew I wasn't getting enough iron in my diet.
Some of my symptoms I've had since childhood and some starting about 5 years ago include: fatigue/low energy, bad mood, easy bruising, dark under eyes, skin issues, cold hands and feet, painful periods, dry mouth, hair loss and thinning since 5y ago, heart palpitations, nasal congestion.I looked into iridology recently and I have ''tiger striping'' in both eyes which has to do with utilisation and storage of iron. ''Clinical examination has shown and increased likelihood of an enlarged or damaged liver. Associated disorders include bile production imbalance, poor fat metabolism and intestinal spasm.[...] The Ferrum Chromotose is not necessarily iron deficient. Their problem has to do with iron utilisation! Some could have excess iron.´´ (from Integrated Iridology Textbook) .
Here are my blood test results from last week (done on day 25 of my cycle):
hemoglobin: 13.1 g/dl (ref 12.3-15.3) normal
erythrocytes 4.90 mio/ul (ref 4.10-5.10) normal
leukocytes 6.62 th/ul (ref 4.40-11.30) normal
MCH 26.7 pg (ref 28-33) low
hematocrit 40.1% (ref 35-47) normal
MCHC 32.7 g/dl (ref 32-36) almost too low
MCV 81.8 fl (ref 80-96) almost too low
platelets 270 th/ul (ref 140-440) normaliron 65 ug/dl (ref 49-151) normal
iron binding capacity 489.3 (ref 320-550) normal
transferrin 3.47 g/l (ref 2-3.60) almost too high
transferrin saturation 13.3% (ref 16-45) low
c reactive protein 0.2 mg/l (ref <6) goodTSH is 1.502 which should be lower. No more thyroid labs because doctor said TSH is meausred first and the others after it's ''too high'' (over 4 ig).
Is it even worth it to ask again since my waking temp is 35.9-36.2°C and I have most of the hypthyroid symptoms except weight gain?So iron, hematocrit and hemoglobin is normal (no anemia) but tfs and MCH are too low? I'm not sure what this means and my doctor only said my iron storages are low and I should supp. Now, I suspect my body does not handle Iron well. I have been mostly vegetarian and vegan since I was 14, never liked meat, high protein and fat makes me sick, and after trying grass fed beef a few times this year, I never felt good. <150g of plain minced beef made me so naseaus and feel like i can't breathe. It also makes me break out and lowers my temp and pig meat gives me ammonia sweat.)
Aside from that, the Irididology people described the tiger striping I mentioned at the beginning as ''clusters of red brown pigments'' but mine are rather yellow green-ish, like oxidized copper? This is probably a reach and I can't make a coherent point right now.What else should I get tested and are there ways to improve iron utilisation if this is my only issue? I have another dr appointment on monday. Maybe liver and copper? Would a stool test be relevant since she offered one because of food intolerances/skin issues/severe antibiotic use in childhood (and I suspect sth fungal)?
Thank you for reading and thank you in advance for the help. -
Hemoglobin depends on body temperature and if you have cold hands and feet (hypothyroidism) that's probably the underlying issue. Thyroid absorbs copper and copper is needed for integrating iron with blood (hemoglobin), so I'd look into sea food as well.
The blood tests aren't really useful markers, unfortunately.
I would also look into your PTH levels which can be lowered with generous vitamin D and calcium intake.
@izkrov Hm shouldn't that make my hemoglobin too low? Since it's normal and I'm not anemic, do you think I can just ignore the iron storage thing? I dont think I've ever been low in copper either.
Thanks for mentioning sea food, I used to eat shrimp and it digested really well but for some reason, I stopped eating it. also should supp vit D and take some egg shell again (dairy gives me allergy symtomps and indigestion) -
@bee12 Yeah I think your iron's fine, I wouldn't worry about it. The only time Ray considered iron supplementation as an idea is if your iron saturation is less than 5%, and you seem fine in that regard. I think the issue is hypothyroidism and a general lack of B vitamins (or whatever's missing from your diet. maybe b1 and b7).
Ammonia when eating meat sound like low stomach acid. Consider B12 and perhaps B6 and folic acid, as they go together. Intestinal overgrowth also comes to mind. Sulfuric foods like garlic and onions help absorb iron and copper, and if used wisely, can have an antibiotic effect.
Inability to digest fat sounds like a bile issue. Supplementing taurine may be wise, as it needed for bile production and is an amino acid abundant in meat, which it sounds like you can't break down right now. Bile also cleans the intestine, so if it's lacking could be a factor in your digestive difficulties.
While I know nothing about iridoglogy, bile is yellowish-green and I would lean towards that rather than copper.