Isolated DHA supplement?
I’ve cut PUFA to pretty much zero (like 2g a day) but i remember seeing some arguments that DHA is essential during development, so i’d like to supplement it since i’m 16
issue is all DHA supplements are just algae oil which has a dogshit fatty acid composition - “The [algae] oil contained substantial proportions of the unsaturated fatty acids oleic (26.9 wt%), linoleic (22.8 wt%), and linolenic (16.1 wt%) as well as 14.6 wt% palmitic acid”
and the only pure DHA (99.81%) i’ve found would cost me like $240 a day plus shipping lmfao
so yeah not happening. are there other sources of isolated DHA? i live in the UK btw
I would say you're overthinking it.
Just eat some good quality seafood once or twice per week.
That along with quality pastured eggs etc you will get plenty of DHA.
Ray was huge proponent of Oysters, and they're a bionergetic staple. Eat them weekly and you'll get plenty of DHA along with the Zinc copper etc.
@Evolutionarily issue is you can’t be very low pufa (>2g) and eat more than like one egg a day, same goes for seafood
i doubt i’ll stay on this low of a pufa intake forever but i’m on a cut rn and it’s helped me lose weight insanely fast and effortlessly so i’m gonna stick with it, at least until i deplete my adipose tissue levels
@hypercashoidism OK sure, my advice was directed towards someone seeking health as their primary goal