Eye asymmetry
Any habits or solutions to fix this? Or is it mostly genetic, and thus unchangeable?
@SolisMack Have you noticed it recently or is it something you've had from birth? The reason is almost always an infection or just simply sleeping on one side. For an infection go see a doctor, idk. If it's from sleeping you have to buy a special pillow or you simply have to sleep on your back.
Some rare cases are things like TMJ and lymph problems. -
@handsome-baby I see, back then it wasn't that bad, but a bit asymmetrical, guess it's from birth a bit.
@SolisMack yeah probably surgery is the only thing that will give you a satisfying result, maybe Botox of some kind but that’s pretty toxic. You can try and over compensate by increasing collagen on the bad side, Pansterone has given me the best results when it comes to collagen. Copper peptides are also pretty safe and reliable.
Pay attention to your body, specifically your shoulders and hips. It seems like everyone with asymmetry in their eyes and face has an asymmetry going along their entire body.
I have it as well, its from left TMCC pattern posture. Look it up on YouTube. Fixable with postural restoration therapy, or craniofacial therapy. I am just too lazy to do it